For Silver Telecom and its subsidiaries, the protection of your data in our virtual channels is very important, so we invite you to read the following statement:
I give my prior, express and informed consent to Silver Telecom, to collect, store, supply, process, use and transfer to third parties information related to my personal data for service and commercial purposes, the prevention and control of fraud and consult international lists issued by the United Nations Security Council and others that are binding on Colombia.
As the owner of the information, you have the right to know, update, rectify your personal data, request proof of the authorization granted, be informed about the use given to them, file complaints with the SIC for infringement of the law, revoke the authorization and / or request the deletion of your data when appropriate and access them free of charge.
Silver Telecom's main address is the city of Bogotá in Carrera 20 N °. 5-07, PBX (57-1) 408 81 31. The data treatment policy, as well as the privacy notice, can be found on our website.